FAWM Post #2

Even thought it is "Post #2", its Day #6 in the FAWM Challenge.
I'm happy to say that so far goatFISH has uploaded 2 new songs, "Open Divine" & "Walks With Angles". Check Them Out Here.
They both ended up being full songs.

And Sahffi and I have an idea of a couple of songs for our next meet up next week. For one of the upcoming songs, I wanted to start with a musical idea first, and even thought I ran into a bit of technical difficulty, I was still able to manage to get a draft of the musical aspect of the song. At this point, I only have an idea & a title for it "I am a mountain", I'm hoping that by the end of today I would have written something for it. I think I will venture into doing the "half song" idea I've been wanting to do. Since our last attempts have been full songs.

Wish me luck.

Into the creative beyond we go.
Shukran for reading, Love you lots,
Mosno Al-Moseeki [ www.mosno.net ]
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