E- Reading : FLEPia

For many of you who know me personally, you know I love my gadgets, and I've always been a big fan of portable gadgets specifically. One gadget that I had gotten back in 2007 was a Sony eReader, and since then I've just been in love with that idea.

I know many argue that "nothing will compare to the feel and smell of a book", yes, and all that is understandable. But we have all been moving forward with almost every aspect of our lives, like living in houses or apartments instead of caves and tents. Using (hybrid) cars or bicycles to get to work instead of horses and camels, and I'm pretty sure a whole lot of us do understand that Global Warming is not a myth, and is actually a problem. We also understand that trees are our friends, seriously, trees are awesome.
So why haven't we maid the "mental" switch to digital reading yet?

As an artist, I do understand the romance of using out-dated or vintage things, to help us escape "the now". So I'm willing to make a compromise. You ready? Here it is.
We'll leave the Books alone, ok. But how about Magazines and Newspapers? lets update that whole thing.
The first thing people will say is "but Mos, Magazine are so colorful, with pictures and stuff. E-Readers are just black text on white background". Well if that is your only concern..then I have just the thing.

The FLEPia from Fujitsu, this is a 9 inch flat surface of colored touch screen goodness. It would be perfect for both Magazine's and Newspapers, primarily due to its large size. I think its pretty cool, and I'm hoping the concept catches on.

And this is only if you don't already have a large tablet, apps like "Flipboard" give you the whole colored magazine experience with ease on your Android or iPhone device. I use it on my Galaxy Note 8, and I use "Kobo" for books.

These devices are being created not only to help us get information faster, but they are also helpful to our lovely planet. We only have one Earth (right now). I am aware that other Earth-Like Exo-planets have been discovered...but until we figure out how we can warm-hole our way to them..I suggest you give E-Reading a try.

I actually started reading more once I got my Galaxy Note 8, because I could start several books at one time, and have them all with me in my bag any where I go.

I hope this was helpful.
I'll blog you later

The FAWM EP : Post #1

Since e release of my concept album NOVELLA: A Love Letter To Culture Clash, and I have been on a creative wave, and I love it. I learned from my 3 year project on "NOVELLA", that I can actually focus my songwriting,  which I didn't know I could.

Earlier this year I participated in a lovely creative songwriting friendly challenge called FAWM (February Album Writing Month). Its very simple, you have the 28 days of February, to write 14 new pieces.  They could be music, lyrics, or full songs. SO this year was my 1st year fully participating,  and it was awesome.

I ended up writing a bunch of new songs,  some really good, some not so good (in my opinion), collaborated with an artist from Germany, and made some new friends. I learned that I can actually write half-songs, and move on to the next. Then I can go back and develop them into full songs, a new skill, sweet.

Between March and May I mainly focused on getting NOVELLA reviewed and ready to be released. Now that it is, all this compressed creative energy is bursting out with a vengeance.

Enter Joseph Scala.
Joe is a dear friend of mine, and a super talented singer/songwriter,  and indie producer.  I actually heard of FAWM because of him, we had worked on a song called "Fall Into The Moon" for his FAWM challenge a year or so ago, and I was hooked on that idea since.

Joe has a very unique style of "sound", not just composition wise, but when recording his songs. He hears things other people don't,  which is why I love working with him.
He actually re-arranged and sang the role of "The Bard" in the NOVELLA album, and EVERYONE notices his unique style.

So what Joe and I have decided is to take 4 songs from my FAWM challenge and create an EP. We met last week and started the process, which is different from my normal process of recording. The reason I want to work with Joe (aside from him being an awesome human) is that I want to experiment with my sound a little.
I've established the "Deserty" sounds already,  and want to see/hear how others would imagine my voice.
I'm giving Joe full control of the Producer chair, and so far I'm really enjoying the ride.

I can't wait to share some of this music with you.
I will make sure to update you all on the progress of The EP, we are going through some name ideas as well.

I'll blog you later.
Shukran, Thank You, and Much Love

Snack Attack

This is a poost to serve as an update, on this glorious Batman Day, I'm proud to announce that I am still rocking out the Vegan lifestyle. About 5 months now, woho.

It does get progressively easier, maily because you start recognizing the Vegan friendly products and restaurants.  The adventure continues, and I'm learning more each day.

Companies like "Nature Box" & "Vegan Cuts" do help in the snack department,  by sending delicious goodness to your door step, which is brilliant.
I know there is a company out there that sends you produce to your door step as well, but I can't think of their name at the moment.

One thing I need to remember, is to ALWAYS KEEP SNACKS. I'm finding this to be very important,  everyone of course suggests almonds,  which are great. But for a sweet tooth like my self, they can get boring real quick.
My solution? Gala Apples & Pitted Dates.

Why those specifically?
Gala Apples, to me, are the perfect apples. They are nicely sized, has a beautiful tart to it, and are nice and crunchy. My teeth don't "slide" on the skin like other apples *cough* macintosh *cough*

Pitted Dates, are just quicker to enjoy, you don't have to try and work the pit out in the mouth. You just pop it in and enjoy.

Both these snacks are avilable at Giant, you can grab both, a bag of Gala Apples & a small container of Pitted Dates for less than $10.

Hope this was helpful
I'll blog you later.